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pbase Began in the dog room end in the dog room November 19 2009 IMG_0459.jpg

pbase Began in the dog room end in the dog room November 19 2009 IMG_0459.jpg

November 19 2009 - My day began in the dog room at 4:15 and ending in the dog room (about 6 pm). The joys of writing a grant. Gabi is my 13 year old yellow lab (actually my neice's dog) who sit next me while I am writing on the grant. She is the sweetest girl despite she is blind and hard of hearing (except for when the cookie jar is being opened

Canon PowerShot S90
1/10s f/2.0 at 6.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine20-Nov-2009 09:54
Gabi looks comfortable...time for you to rest now !!
Sue Roberts20-Nov-2009 00:07
home sweet home!
Coleen Perilloux Landry19-Nov-2009 23:58
The dog room is very neat. I begin and end in the "rabbit room." Gabi is a dear.